View Full Version : crazy woman...or not

25-11-2008, 15:40
just on another site there and seen somethin similar
does every guy in the world have a girlfriend who is so against modifying they go against everything you say and hate everything you love
disagree with all the spending in favour of a bloody handbag that looks the same as the next one?

would be interesting to hear all your stories

my girlfriend is ok.
even though she moans quite a bit she just got me a clifford alarm for the 5 and paid for my samco hoses in august



25-11-2008, 16:24
my girlfrind loves the 5 but hates me looking at it, talking about it, fixing it or spending money on it.
she couldn't believe i taxed it for a year, £120, her mini...£210 :rolleyes:.
i spent an hour painting my calipers after work one day, she goes to the gym for over an hour every day after work.
she says its not a hobby, its an obsession, not a healthy one either. i need to grow a pair really :ashamed:

she took it to get welded when i smashed my face though :)

markey b
25-11-2008, 16:44
my gf hates the fact i love my 5 as much as her lol..

she even calls it 'the nova' which i find very disrespectfull..

she does like going fast in it though lol.

phase i 16 v turbo
25-11-2008, 17:21
My girlfriend is happy to let me play with my cars, gives her time to go off shopping and do things that don’t interest me. Then we meet up in the evenings! She doesn’t know much about cars but does like the ones I own.

Big Steve - Raider
25-11-2008, 17:33
How can I say anything otherwise when my darling Fiancé (Millie) is a member of this club also!! :scared: :laugh:

Being honest though she doesn't mind me spending either time or money on my car's & even supports me when i have suggesting getting other cars or doing something else to mine! She even comes along to the car events even if she's just stood there bored to tears!

Definate keeper!! ;)

25-11-2008, 18:31
Me-Dawny couldn't care less about cars 'n' shit .She doesn't mind or even notice when I'm off on one of my jollys :cool: I think she's just glad to get rid of me for a few hours .......

25-11-2008, 18:57
good stuff
mine dont mmind bout comin to shows

actually shes quite lookin forward to getin her own

either a 5 or a vag on hydraulics
thats all she wants on her car
so tht aint bad

26-11-2008, 12:51
None of my girlfriends have ever understood my infatuation with the 5....:cry:
I think they think I'm just a poor misguided fool:sad2:, although the last one has an infinity towards my Raider after it took her all around France...

Mostly I think it all stems from a basic jealousy, why do I put so much more focus on a heap of steel than them....:rolleyes: good question, probably explains why I'm currently single

Andrew Cooke
26-11-2008, 13:07
Mostly I think it all stems from a basic jealousy, why do I put so much more focus on a heap of steel than them....:rolleyes: good question, probably explains why I'm currently single

maybe it's because you know it'll still be around after they move on :D

Try pulling a dustsheet over your G/F and leave her in the spare bedroom when you can't be bothered with her for a few weeks/months.

Chris Hebden
26-11-2008, 13:19
Try pulling a dustsheet over your G/F and leave her in the spare bedroom when you can't be bothered with her for a few weeks/months.

I tried that once, but she spent a whole week moaning that the dust she wasnt suited to her skin tone :sad2:!

26-11-2008, 23:06
crazy woman i hear you cry..:D


26-11-2008, 23:17
Have always supported the other halfs cars, 5s or not and have probably bought more bits for them than they have. It was actually me that pushed to get the last 5 back on the road again :laugh:

27-11-2008, 13:38
First post!

crazy woman i hear you cry..:D


I agree. i bought all sorts of bits for my ex car, because she wanted them. " oh that sounds good" no darling thats a waste of money! smile and nod obviously didnt work, hence the ex. :ashamed: